LLC or Business License? Which one comes first?

It is important to note that obtaining a business licence does not imply the formation of an LLC or other legal entity for your company. In order to comply with local regulations, most business owners and operators must obtain a business licence. This can include general licences from your state, county, or municipality, as well as industry-specific licences or permits. The licence authorizes your participation in a specific business in a specific jurisdiction; an LLC serves as an official, legally recognized business entity. Forming an LLC effectively converts your business from a sole proprietorship to a corporation. It is also good to know theĀ best llc services reviews

Is it necessary to have both a business licence and an LLC?

Is it necessary to have both a business licence and an LLC?

  • They perform distinct functions, and a business licence cannot be used in place of an LLC. If you want to legally run an LLC in a certain city, county, or state, you must have both. If you have an LLC but no business licence, your firm may face a financial or legal penalty if it is found to be in breach of local rules.
  • If you have a business licence but no LLC or other formal business entity, you can still run your company as a lone proprietor. However, there are a number of drawbacks and hazards to doing so.
  • A limited liability company (LLC) is not your sole option for a formal business entity. Depending on their type of business and aims, many entrepreneurs choose to form corporations or partnerships. For example, an entrepreneur who plans to generate funds by selling shares in the firm may choose to create a corporation, especially a Delaware C Corporation.
  • Alternatively, if you want to offer consulting services through the internet, an LLC is a good option since it is flexible and easy to set up and maintain. Also, try to check with the best llc services reviews
  • When applying for a business licence, you must supply your company’s name. As a result, it is preferable to form your LLC or corporation first so that you can provide the approved entity’s name on the licence application rather than having to submit a form to change the name after you have formed the company (which could carry a fee).
  • Before engaging in any business activities, it is recommended that you obtain any required business license(s) and permits to ensure that you are fully compliant with local regulations.